
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Top 5 Things About Retirement I've Learned So Far:

Wow!  It's been over 2 months since I retired.  After working, in some capacity, since I was fourteen and the past 28 years with Valpak and it's parent company, this is a very interesting change.  I've really enjoyed the opportunity to catch my breath, smell the proverbial roses and celebrate crossing the finish line.  

Here are the top 5 things I've learned so far:

  1. Time seems to go even faster than at work.
  2. Taking a step back and recharging will probably help me live longer.
  3. Technology is your friend.
  4. Sleep is good
  5. The perspective from atop the forest is different than within the trees.
I haven't retired from life, so I am doing limited franchise sales/development consulting.  If I can provide some value to you and/or your organization, I'd enjoy the opportunity to chat.   See you in New Orleans!


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