I un-liked a brand I love today
Those of you who attended FranCamp 2012 or watched on Ustream saw me say that I really love Dr. Pepper. Especially the new Dr. Pepper 10. I'm drinking one right now as I write this.
Today I un-liked Dr. Pepper on Facebook because I just have had it with the number of times they are marketing to me on Facebook right in my newsfeed.
Do you think this is too much? 8 Posts in the past week. 5 since Friday.
- Sunday May 13th at 6pm
- Sunday May 13th at 1030am
- Saturday May 12th at Midnight
- Saturday May 12th at 4pm
- Friday May 11th at 5pm
- Monday May 7th at 10pm
- Monday May 7th at 629pm
- Monday May 7th at 1250pm
At least Edgerank appeared to spare me from about 8 MORE posts that are on their Brand Page that didn't make it into my newsfeed.
I know you've paid a lot of money to be a promotional partner to the Avengers movie that opened earlier this month, but I don't care!
I'll still love the product but I'm not liking this at all! Read more...